TikTok troublemaker Mizzy says police will NEVER get him after leaving court with slapped wrist

A TikTok prankster has said the police will never get him in a new video just minutes after he was issued with a criminal behaviour order and fined hundreds of pounds in court – before battling it out with Piers Morgan during an interview on TV.

Bacari-Bronze O’Garro, 18, known on social media as ‘Mizzy’, is behind a series of spoofs including stealing a woman’s dog, ripping up library books and jumping into strangers’ cars.

He was also said to put a family ‘at risk’ by walking into their home pretending he was trying to find a study group, a court heard. He said in his video before this: ‘Walking into random houses, let’s go’.

The 18-year-old appeared at Thames Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday and admitted failing to comply with a community protection notice. He was fined £200 and will have to pay an £80 surcharge with £85 in prosecution costs.

O’Garro, from Manor Road, Hackney, was also issued with a criminal behaviour order, which means he can never upload a video again without the permission of all those appearing in it.

Bacari-Bronze O'Garro posts a video to his new TikTok account where he claims the police will never get him

Bacari-Bronze O’Garro posts a video to his new TikTok account where he claims the police will never get him

The TikTok prankster shared the video just minutes after he left court where he was fined £200 and will have to pay an £80 surcharge with £85 in prosecution costs

The TikTok prankster shared the video just minutes after he left court where he was fined £200 and will have to pay an £80 surcharge with £85 in prosecution costs

Just minutes after leaving court, O’Garro created a new TikTok account and posted a video saying: ‘Hello world I’m back and I’m taking over this, yeah… The feds thought they can have me, but where am I? We outside every time.’

At 7pm he then posted another TikTok, saying: ‘Hello world. You guys have all fallen to my plan. Right now I’m on the way to Piers Morgan. He’s gonna try and catch me out but I’ve got plans for him. I’ve got something for him, yeah.’

Speaking to Piers Morgan on Talk TV the prankster was asked: ‘What has been motivating you to terrorise the people around where you live?’

He replied: ‘I wouldn’t really call it terrorising, I’ll just call it more having fun.’

Discussing the prank where he walked into a random woman’s house, O’Garro said: ‘You see this situation that blew up on the internet walking into random houses, the next day I apologised to the woman because I felt bad.

‘That was more of a spur of the moment thing, I got spurred on and my ego got a hold of me. I realised that at that moment and that’s why I went to apologise the next day.’

O’Garro then later claimed: ‘Hate brings money. Hate brings likes, brings views – it doesn’t matter.’

He also explained that ‘UK laws are weak, simple as’, when discussing how he is able to get off so lightly with these extreme pranks. 

O'Garro at Thames Magistrates' Court where he was charged with failing to comply with a community protection notice

O’Garro at Thames Magistrates’ Court where he was charged with failing to comply with a community protection notice

The 18-year-old posted on TikTok a 'prank' video where he entered into a private home without permission

The 18-year-old posted on TikTok a ‘prank’ video where he entered into a private home without permission

During a feisty interview where the pair continued to interrupt each other throughout, Morgan listed the numerous extreme pranks O’Garro has carried out.

‘You go up and take a dog from an elderly woman, you leapfrog over the top of an orthodox Jewish man standing at the side of the road minding his business. You go up to women in the street and say do you want to die.’

At one point the Talk TV presenter then asked: ‘A lot of the stuff that you do could have consequences far more serious but you don’t care do you, as long as you get a laugh?’

O’Garro replied: ‘Of course I care… I have remorse.’

He then said he is his ‘own person’ and ‘I am legally an adult now so I can do what I want’. 

Morgan ended the interview by saying: ‘You’re just a complete moron.’

Prior to the prankster’s appearance on Talk Tv, social media commentator Adam Brooks said on Twitter: ‘Mizzy has been fined £365. That will teach him. What a pathetic country this is sometimes. The Justice system is ridiculous.’

He then added: ‘Mizzy is on Piers Morgan’s programme tonight, meaning that he’s already better off than the £365 he’s been fined by the Courts today.

‘The kid is going to coin it in for terrorising innocent people. Messed up World. Break the law & terrorise people.. become famous & get paid gigs on TV. What a great message to send to the youngsters of today.’

O'Garro can be seen holding his hands out as he walked out of Thames Magistrates' Court

O’Garro can be seen holding his hands out as he walked out of Thames Magistrates’ Court

He then turns and looks at the camera, smiling and laughing

He then turns and looks at the camera, smiling and laughing 

The 18-year-old is then handed a mobile phone which he appears to film himself on as he walks away

The 18-year-old is then handed a mobile phone which he appears to film himself on as he walks away

He was fined £200 and will have to pay an £80 surcharge with £85 in prosecution costs

He was fined £200 and will have to pay an £80 surcharge with £85 in prosecution costs

O’Garro appeared in court wearing a black hoodie and a face mask. He spoke only to confirm his name, age and address, and to admit to one count of failing to comply with a community protection notice. 

Varinder Hayre, prosecuting, told the court that O’Garro was issued with a community protection notice on May 11 last year, and that two of its conditions were that he not trespass on to private property.

Ms Hayre said that he then breached that notice by entering a home on May 15 this year.

‘He went to the home address of the victim,’ she said.

‘The woman was cleaning the patio when he entered her home. Mr O’Garro walked into the property and walked down the stairs. He was stopped by the homeowner. Mr O’Garro went to the living room and sat on the sofa. 

‘He was asked to leave multiple times by both the victim and her husband. He ignored their request and carried on walking in their home address. The following day it turned out that he had filmed the whole incident.

‘It had been circulated on social media. The victim was unaware that Mr O’Garro was recording the incident. He captured the faces of her husband and children. She strongly feels he put her family at risk.’

Lee Sergent, defending, said: ‘The first thing to say on Mr O’Garro’s behalf is that he is sorry. He never intended to cause any distress or upset by his actions. It is fair to say that he believed what he was doing was a harmless prank.

In one of the 18-year-old's videos he can be seen saying: 'Walking into random houses, let's go'

In one of the 18-year-old’s videos he can be seen saying: ‘Walking into random houses, let’s go’

In another one of his TikTok 'pranks', O'Garro walked up to women in public pretending as if they were his mother

In another one of his TikTok ‘pranks’, O’Garro walked up to women in public pretending as if they were his mother 

As part of another 'prank', the TikToker stole a woman's dog who was sitting in the park

As part of another ‘prank’, the TikToker stole a woman’s dog who was sitting in the park

O'Garro, known on social media as 'Mizzy', featured in one of his friend's TikTok videos and it appears as if he is being arrested

O’Garro, known on social media as ‘Mizzy’, featured in one of his friend’s TikTok videos and it appears as if he is being arrested

The 18-year-old turns and walks away into another room with police by his side

The 18-year-old turns and walks away into another room with police by his side

‘He has now had the opportunity to reflect and realises that what he did was very stupid and very wrong and acknowledges it must have been extremely upsetting for the family whose house he entered.’

Mr Sergent added: ‘The problem with social media is that content is celebrated not based on its quality or social value but on the quantity of likes and followers.

‘He was egged on to a certain degree to do ever more content to gain more likes and followers.’

District Judge Charlotte Crangle said: ‘I have seen the footage and I can see exactly why the people who lived in that house were so upset and distressed on that day.

‘I am reassured by the fact that you have expressed remorse, and have gone back and apologised to them. I hope that time in custody has given you time to reflect on your behaviour.’

The criminal behaviour order imposed by the court means O’Garro cannot upload any video content onto social media without the consent of those in the videos and he must not trespass on any private property.

Detective Chief Superintendent James Conway of the Central East Command Unit added: ‘I do not underestimate the widespread upset, distress and concern that these videos caused.

‘Some people have referred to these as ‘prank’ videos, but I hope that this significant development demonstrates just how seriously we have been taking this investigation since this footage began circulating online.’

Earlier this week the Met Police said in a statement: ‘The arrest follows an investigation into social media footage which featured a number of incidents, including apparently unsolicited approaches made towards members of the public in the street or on transport, and entering addresses without the apparent permission of the owners.’

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