The new trick to a better love life is… getting a degree! Research reveals graduates have longer relationships, and are better in bed too

The key to a more successful love life is dating a graduate, according to new research. 

Forget the spectacled stereotype, graduates’ education and intelligence appear to be a draw for the majority of singletons, and their even judged to be better in bed too.

New dating app for people after a serious relationship surveyed 1,500 of those signed up to its waiting list, and found that 59 per cent are sapiosexuals – attracted to intelligence. 

One of those in the queue – Ellie, 33, from Liverpool – said: ‘It’s true, the best sex I’ve had has always been with graduates.’ 

The figures indicate she is not alone, with nearly one in five saw being well educated as a ‘non-negotiable’ for a would-be partner.

New research suggests that the key to a better love life could be having a degree, with one of those surveyed saying: 'It's true, the best sex I've had has always been with graduates' (stock image)

New research suggests that the key to a better love life could be having a degree, with one of those surveyed saying: ‘It’s true, the best sex I’ve had has always been with graduates’ (stock image)

The figures also indicate one in five people see being well educated as a 'non-negotiable' for a would-be partner (stock photo above)

The figures also indicate one in five people see being well educated as a ‘non-negotiable’ for a would-be partner (stock photo above)

Of the singles surveyed, 65 per cent said they noticed a difference in the quality of the sex with graduates, and a massive 84 per cent of those said it was better compared to some alone time with a non-grad. 

If you are in a relationship with a clever clogs, chances are that they are in it for the long haul, as 39 per cent of relationships with graduates went on for three to four years, with a further 14 per cent lasting more than five.

However, this does come with the caveat that all of those taking part in this research are single, so the relationships with graduates or otherwise all ended eventually. 

Ellie added: ‘I’m all about the brains – if they don’t have a decent education then I’ll almost definitely swipe left.

‘I’m judging them on the content and their spelling. If they don’t know the difference between “there” and “their”, it’s a definite no from me.

‘Smart people know how to turn on the charm, you can have deep chats without getting bored, and they’re just so much more emotionally intelligent than your average Joe. 

‘They’re just better at communicating and they listen… the winning combo for women wanting to be satisfied in the bedroom.’

Sylvia Linzalone, relationship guru for the new app, commented: ‘Intelligence has always been a major turn-on for both men and women.

‘Smart people tend to have a bit of extra charm about them, and by the looks of things, they also know how to sweet talk you into the bedroom!

‘When it comes to longer-lasting relationships, educated people tend to be more emotionally intelligent and have a much better approach when it comes to conflict resolution, which has a massive effect on how long a relationship will last.’

It is worth noting, however, that the psychology fraternity is split on whether emotional and general intelligence (EQ and IQ respectively) are positively or negatively correlated, or not at all.

‘While graduates who’ve got experience with those essays, dissertations and debates might be able to use some of those skills in the dating world,’ Linzalone continued, ‘education shouldn’t be the be all and end all when you’re looking for that special someone.

‘I mean, would you really swipe left on David because he doesn’t have a degree?’

Dan, 32, from Canterbury is one on that side of the fence: ‘I’m not all hung up on finding a brainy girl when dating. I’m more into finding someone fun to be around, and who gets my sense of humour. 

‘I didn’t go to uni and I’d hate to think that someone would be put off dating me just because of that. 

‘You probably won’t see me having deep philosophical conversations, but that doesn’t mean I’m not a great catch!’

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