
4 Reasons Why Daytona Beach Will Bounce Back After the Pandemic

As we are all very aware, many nations around the world are suffering the biggest crisis most of us have ever experienced. This pandemic is not just a health crisis but also a financial crisis with many more businesses expected to close and many to lose their jobs and experience hardship. The latest google trends show that it’s changed the way we live.

As a globalized society, we’ve experienced many challenges in the past and have shown resilience to overcome however we’ve never really seen a situation like we face right now. The global supply chain has been deeply affected and is likely to be transformed for many years ahead.

For those of us in Daytona Beach, we are optimistic that our lifestyle and culture will bounce back over time and we’ll all have grown in appreciation for the amazing place we are situated in. There are many great places to visit or live in America however we believe be positioned here in the Sunshine State, Florida in a place that isn’t overpopulated and condensed which will make us an attractive destination in the years ahead. It’s likely our awareness of personal space and social distancing will live on long after COVID-19 so we think our space will be attractive for many holidaymakers.

There are many reasons why people will want to continue to visit Daytona Beach once our lives can return to normal. For example we have the world’s most famous beach and the great American Race that will continue to attract many travelers from afar. Below are four reasons why we believe Daytona Beach will bounce back.

  1. Amazing Location

Daytona Beach is situated on the east coast of Florida and has the feeling of an island resort without the need to fly to get here. We’re not a big city either which people may choose to avoid after this pandemic. COVID-19 has presented a huge challenge to Airlines and we simply don’t know what that means for them long term. We believe many Americans will choose not to fly internationally for vacations and choose to visit places within America they can feel safe in. Many companies are also now operating remotely with team members working from home instead of an office. There is a strong possibility many companies will choose to continue working as remote companies now that they have seen how it can work for them. This means employees may choose to live in places like Daytona Beach for lifestyle reasons and maintain their employment through a company located in larger cities located around the nation and even the world.

  1. Daytona International Speedway

Motor sports are a passion for many people and we can’t see that changing. The competitive nature of sports is also a great outlet and stress release for those that need to take time to relax. All spectator sports will have their challenges particularly relating to how we manage large crowds however, other sports that rely on physical contact may experience greater challenges than motorsports. Activities at the Speedway provide many employment opportunities directly and also indirectly through other businesses that serve our visitors such as accommodation and retail outlets.

  1. Educational Agility

It seems highly likely the world will look quite different when Coronavirus has finished and we look to rebuild our lives. We may function quite differently in the years ahead. The way in which people work and what they do may never go back to what it was. Its possibly many people will require new educational opportunities to reskill for the new world of opportunities.

We have plenty of trade schools and university that we expect to adapt to these new opportunities.

  1. Cultural Experiences

We’re expecting people to slow down and appreciate the world around them through activities like river tours. Globally we’ve become so busy in our day-to-day lives and our expectation that we can get what we want when we want it. Already we’re seeing a resetting of peoples values as we all consider what’s truly important. As a result we expect people to grow in appreciation for cultural experiences. We think our range of museums that are collectively known as “The Museum of Arts and Science” will grow in its appealing as we all slow down and are considerate of the culture around us.

Whether you’re a local living here in Daytona Beach or plan to have your next vacation here when life returns to normal, we believe the future is bright. While life may look different with local stores around the world being impacted, we love our place in the world and the community we are a part of and remain optimistic for the future.

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