
The vital role of HR departments in UK businessesduring the pandemic

The world of work has changed considerably in the two years that we have lived through the Covid-19 pandemic. The changing work patterns haveled toa lot of adjustment and additional work at all levels of business, but perhaps nowherehas felt it as much as the HR departments who have had to up their game considerably to help ensure the continued smooth running of the business, no matter what havoc the pandemic has caused.

Identifying the key roles and functions

 When the country entered lockdown, businesses needed to adapt quicklyif they were to keep going during the pandemic. HR departments were suddenly needing to act in unprecedented circumstances. The first task was working out whatto prioritise to ensure the key functions of the business could continue and employees were able to maintain their roles.

Digital transformation 

One of the key new skills HR departments had to master was digital transformation, as the pandemic transformed how technology was used in business. With everyone, other than key workers, under instruction to “stay at home”, it was only going to be possible for the key roles and functions of the business to continue if these could be carried out from home.

The key to this was the use of technology to not only carry out the work, but also to liaise with colleagues, hold meetings, monitor performance and progress, and seek support. New employees were even interviewed for positions without face-to-face meetings being possible.

Boosting morale

While it isnormal in a business for any employee to go through periods of uncertainty, anxiety or grief, it would be unusual for the entire workforce to be experiencing these at the same time. However,the pandemic has impacted everyone’s wellbeing to some extent.During lockdowns, employees have often had to deal with that while away from their usual workplace support networks. HR departments have had to find ways to maintain communication with employees, perhaps offering a more individual levelof support than they ever have before.

Changing circumstances

In the two years since the start of the first lockdown, rules and restrictions have fluctuated with businesses needing to keep on top of them to be able to maintain productivity while also protecting the safety of employees and clients.

The return to the workplace brought its own set of challenges. Some employees were delighted to be back, while others had liked working remotely, enjoying the flexibility and lack of commute. In many businesses, management decided to allow flexible working.

With the pandemic far from over, there has also been the concern of employees that they could contract the virus at work or that a significant outbreak could cause the business to have to close once again. Many HR departments took the decision to have a Covid testing routine. Matrix Diagnostics is able to supply Covid tests, including rapid Covid tests to identify asymptomatic cases and a confirmatory Covid-19 PCR test with results in just two days.

HR departments have truly been one of the unsung heroes of businesses during the pandemic and, as circumstances keep changing in the ‘new normal’, it is a certainty they will continue to rise to meet the challenges.

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