Caprice EXC: Star returns to her strict fitness regime after ‘gaining one stone in three weeks’

Caprice has returned to her strict fitness regime after putting on one stone in just three weeks.

The model, 49, worked up a sweat as she braved the cold while jogging across west London in a crop top on Tuesday.

On her weight gain, a source exclusively told MailOnline: ‘She is normally very disciplined but has been comfort eating over the past three weeks. She hasn’t been eating or exercising properly since her grandmother passed away.’

EXCLUSIVE: Caprice returned to her strict fitness regime on Tuesday after putting on one stone in just three weeks

EXCLUSIVE: Caprice returned to her strict fitness regime on Tuesday after putting on one stone in just three weeks

The businesswoman – who still boasts a stunning figure – highlighted her abs in her long-sleeved top, which was teamed with grey shorts and grey running tights.

Nailing sporty chic, the media personality rounded off her outfit with a pair of white and pink trainers, and accentuated her naturally radiant complexion with minimal make-up.

An insider close to Caprice revealed she turned to food after her grandmother passed away from coronavirus at the age of 91.

They explained: ‘Since the New Year Caprice has put on a stone in weight. It has been a depressing time for her. As a youngster her Gran and Nana took care of both her and her sister as her mother was a single parent supporting the family. 

Turning heads: The model, 49, worked up a sweat as she braved the cold while jogging across west London in a crop top

Turning heads: The model, 49, worked up a sweat as she braved the cold while jogging across west London in a crop top

'She is usually disciplined': On her weight gain, a source exclusively told MailOnline that the blonde turned to food after her grandmother passed away from coronavirus at the age of 91

‘She is usually disciplined’: On her weight gain, a source exclusively told MailOnline that the blonde turned to food after her grandmother passed away from coronavirus at the age of 91

Out and about: The businesswoman - who still boasts a stunning figure - highlighted her abs in her long-sleeved top, which was teamed with grey shorts and grey running tights

Safety comes first: Caprice engaged in a series of stretches following her exercise session

Out and about: The businesswoman – who still boasts a stunning figure – highlighted her abs in her long-sleeved top, which was teamed with grey shorts and grey running tights

Off she goes: The media personality rounded off her outfit with a pair of white and pink trainers, and accentuated her naturally radiant complexion with minimal make-up

Off she goes: The media personality rounded off her outfit with a pair of white and pink trainers, and accentuated her naturally radiant complexion with minimal make-up

‘Caprice has been eating lots of junk food to cope with everything going on and has been eating a whole loaf of sourdough bread a day, lots of cookies, cakes and hot chocolate after hot chocolate.  

‘She has been feeling low, rarely leaving the house since Dec 15 as one of her household members also tested positive for Covid-19 and they all had to isolate for two weeks and cancel Christmas holidays.

‘Usually her rule is ”no carbs after 5pm” and only a very small portion of protein for dinner. She has always been disciplined with her diet and eating as she gains weight easily. She is now trying to get back into her exercise and healthy eating habits’. 

The actress detailed her heartbreaking loss in an Instagram post earlier this month, in which she urged her fans to follow the government’s guidelines and stay home ‘so we can stop the spread’ and beat ‘this evil virus’.  

Hard times: 'Caprice has been eating lots of junk food to cope with everything going on', an insider said

Hard times: ‘Caprice has been eating lots of junk food to cope with everything going on’, an insider said

Her regular routine: 'Usually her rule is ''no carbs after 5pm'' and only a very small portion of protein for dinner', they added

No rest for the wicked: The By Caprice owner extended her arms in between her sets

Her regular routine: ‘Usually her rule is ”no carbs after 5pm” and only a very small portion of protein for dinner’, they added

Caprice penned: ‘Another sleepless night numb, crying, hurting. It ‘s raw I still don’t believe it when I say it … Covid just took my beautiful, brave Grandma to Heaven, it took her from us forever. 

‘We were so close. My Grandma and Nana looked after my sis and I after school when we were growing up mom had to work long hours to provide for our family.’ 

The TV star also discussed how quickly her grandma died after being diagnosed with Covid, revealing she fought the virus for three days.  

She continued: ‘I just don’t understand the first day diagnosed with Covid her oxygen levels were compromised, fever, sleeping all the time .. we were worried. 

Still glamorous: Despite her training, the American still managed to maintain her sleek tresses

Still glamorous: Despite her training, the American still managed to maintain her sleek tresses

Before: The mother-of-two pictured in sportswear in December 2020

Before: The mother-of-two pictured in sportswear in December 2020

‘The next day fever gone, drinking a lot, eating and all vitals stable. Doctor said she was unbelievable he hadn’t seen improvements like this so fast. We thought she was on her way to full recovery. 

‘Next day Covid took my beautiful Grandma to Heaven. I can’t believe this is real. I can’t believe she is gone. It happened so fast I couldn’t say goodbye… and thank her for all her sacrifices and guidance and endless love.

‘I know she knew this but I needed to tell her again. My beautiful GRANDMA was 91 , healthy, strong, a survivor. A force to be reckoned with. 

‘This virus is evil, it took her so fast. I know it is such a tough time for everyone but please take Covid serious… please follow govt guidelines.

Heartbroken: The actress detailed her heartbreaking loss in an Instagram post earlier this month (pictured together)

Heartbroken: The actress detailed her heartbreaking loss in an Instagram post earlier this month (pictured together)

‘Please stay home…. you may be strong enough to fight it but what if you have it and give it to someone who isn’t as strong as you like my Grandma.

‘It is just devastating… just hurts so much … I just think if we work together the faster we can save lives and stop the spread.’

To conclude her moving post, Caprice quoted her son, penning: ‘My 7 year old son said something to me last night that was beyond his naive years ..he said “mommy we have to take care of our planet and other people, if we don’t COVID won’t stop”. 

Strong words: The TV star urged her fans to follow the government's guidelines and stay home 'so we can stop the spread' and beat 'this evil virus'

Strong words: The TV star urged her fans to follow the government’s guidelines and stay home ‘so we can stop the spread’ and beat ‘this evil virus’

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