Trump mocks Macron for ‘kissing Xi’s a**’

Trump mocks Macron for ‘kissing Xi’s a**’: Ex-President lathers praise on the ‘brilliant’ Chinese leader – and questions if his French ‘friend’ is getting cozier with Beijing

  • Former President Donald Trump mocked French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent trip to China 
  • Trump said Macron ‘who’s a friend of mine, is over with China kissing his a**’ 
  • The former president made the comments Tuesday in his interview with Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson  

Former President Donald Trump mocked French President Emmanuel Macron‘s recent trip to China, saying he was kissing the a** of Chinese President Xi Jinping

Trump sat down Tuesday with Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson and the interview aired later that night. 

Much of the interview – Trump’s first since being arraigned in New York last week – was foreign policy-themed. 

‘You’ve got this crazy world that’s blowing up and the United States has absolutely no say and Macron, who’s a friend of mine, is over with China kissing his a**. In China. I said France is now going to China?’ Trump said. 

Macron traveled to China last week and pressed Xi to use his influence to urge Russia to seek a peace deal with Ukraine. 

Former President Donald Trump mocked French President Emmanuel Macron's recent trip to China, saying he was kissing the a** of Chinese President Xi Jinping

Former President Donald Trump mocked French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent trip to China, saying he was kissing the a** of Chinese President Xi Jinping

Chinese Preident Xi Jinping (left) and French President Emmanuel Macron (right) are photographed during Macron's trip last week to China

Chinese Preident Xi Jinping (left) and French President Emmanuel Macron (right) are photographed during Macron’s trip last week to China

‘I know I can count on you to bring Russia back to its senses,’ Macron told Xi. 

Macron received blowback from the trip, as he said in an interview while in China that the European Union should reduce its dependence on the United States and cautioned getting too involved in a China-Taiwan showdown. 

The French president floated that there could be a crisis over the self-governed island driven by ‘American rhythm and a Chinese overreaction.’ 

A senior French diplomat told reporters Wednesday that Macron makes no apology for the comments, according to Reuters

During his time in office, Trump courted Xi, but also deployed policies that were tough on China including tariffs that set off a trade war.

Carlson admitted surprise when hearing Trump talk about hosting Xi in 2017 at Mar-a-Lago, calling the former president’s comments ‘remarkably nuanced and even affectionate.’  

Trump called Xi ‘top of the line.’ 

‘President Xi is a brilliant man. If you went all over Hollywood to look for somebody to play the role of President Xi, you couldn’t find – there’s nobody like that,’ the ex-president said. ‘The look, the brain, the whole thing. We had a great relationship.’ 

Trump also recalled Xi’s interpreter. 

‘He had an incredible – I’m not allowed to say it because it’s very impolite and very politically incorrect – a beautiful female interpreter,’ Trump said. ‘If you say it, they’ll say, “this is terrible, you’re not allowed to say that.” But she was very professional. She spoke every word for him, very professional.’

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