What does the solar eclipse mean for YOUR star sign?

Stargazers will this year be treated with a rare ‘hybrid’ solar eclipse set to plunge parts of the world into total darkness.

And horoscope experts say the transformative phenomenon could bring new beginnings and dramatic endings as we end the fiery Aries season with a bang – and enter Taurus season. 

This type of astronomical event – where the moon blocks out a different proportion of the sun in different parts of the world – only occurs once every 10 years.

In some places, viewers will experience a ‘total’ solar eclipse, where the face of the sun is completely blocked by the moon, but in others, an ‘annular’ solar eclipse will be visible, where the moon appears slightly smaller than the sun, leaving a ring of light around its silhouette. 

Eclipses are spiritually renowned as bringing periods of change – and astrologer Kimberly Dewhirst, who is based in Hong Kong, warns that your focus may be shifted as a result. 

Stargazers will this year be treated with a rare 'hybrid' solar eclipse set to plunge parts of the world into total darkness. Stock image used

Stargazers will this year be treated with a rare ‘hybrid’ solar eclipse set to plunge parts of the world into total darkness. Stock image used

Be it personal connections or networking opportunities in your career, this offers the chance to move your life in a new direction. 

Here, she tells FEMAIL how the different signs can ‘look out for a fresh start that’s underway and use it to your advantage’.

Kimberly is available for personal readings via starsignstyle.com.


March 21 – April 20

This is a major time to steer attention your way, Aries, so welcome the focus now on you personally – your body, identity, presence, character and appearance! Really affirm a sense of confidence and independence you feel now, having taken risks to step out solo. Be aware of your family life, home, or the way your sense of stability allows you to hold the reigns.


April 21- May 21 

Take a break and recalibrate with time off, Taurus. Big things are coming your way but before launching into the spotlight take a well-considered pause. Close friends and siblings may be ultimately encouraging as you sit on the sidelines, so welcome their connection and words of wisdom as you enjoy solo space and a window of self-care.


May 22 – June 22

Geminis have an invitation to start anew in your network of peers. Kimberly says to show you're a capable player in your community. Stock image used

Geminis have an invitation to start anew in your network of peers. Kimberly says to show you’re a capable player in your community. Stock image used

A group, team, friendly faces, and a way to be part of an audience is significant now, Gemini, with an invitation to start anew in your network of peers. Your role and contribution, the way you assert the part you play (and the value you have) is key, as you make your way in a social scene or circle. Show you’re a capable player in your community.


June 23 – July 23

You may find you’re now willing to show up as an authority or leader, with expertise in your career and goals to reach toward in your personal life. Allow your title and reputation to come first (including as a parent or consummate professional). It’s important that you give yourself the physical attention you feel you need, with a sense of passion or independence arising from you now Cancer.


July 24 – August 23

Your children, hobbies, talents, a holiday or passion project may have delivered an important lesson, so that your education, faith and beliefs are now hugely important, Leo. Certain risks or journeys may have opened your eyes to the big picture, and a spiritual sensibility may now move you deeply! Allow yourself space to process special insights, knowledge and wisdom.


August 24 – September 23

Virgos may find that intimate relationships are on their 'radar', Kimberly says. She adds this period may see those born under this sign be more aware of their interpersonal expectations. Stock image used

Virgos may find that intimate relationships are on their ‘radar’, Kimberly says. She adds this period may see those born under this sign be more aware of their interpersonal expectations. Stock image used

Intimate relationships are likely on your radar, so that you’re profoundly aware of your obligations, what you’ve vowed, pledged or promised partners, and what you expect in return. Friends and your social scene are ultimately encouraging and assuring, as you face up to the future, and those deeply confronting issues (professionally, romantically or personally).


September 24 – October 23 

It’s a big time for relationships and one-to-ones, and a time to be aware of your status or title in the world, Libra. As you look to your ambitions and what you’re looking to accomplish (and who you’re working to be), try to make sense of the key individuals that are important to your goals and the road ahead. Your happiness is important, so too is working with others to reach your aspirations.


October 24 – November 22

Addressing healthy habits, maintenance, your employment and daily upkeep is the theme of today’s eclipse for you Scorpio, so tune into the rituals and regular practices that work best for you, for your body and ideal lifestyle. Allow a spiritual slant to permeate routine matters, sensing your own knowledge, faith or a path of wisdom is helpful to what you do every day.


November 23 – December 21

Love, pregnancy or your children, a creative talent, sports, music, the arts, hobbies, celebrations or passion projects may be before you, Sagittarius, or the desire to make yourself happy! Tune in to what sees you to have fun, sensing a pact or commitment is also part of the story. Recognise where you’ve found ultimate joy, and who or what offers you deeper layers of security and even the financial resources you need to express yourself fully.


December 22 – January 20

Kimberly tells Capricorns to pay attention to a partner or individuals that bring extra awareness to household matters. Stock image used

Kimberly tells Capricorns to pay attention to a partner or individuals that bring extra awareness to household matters. Stock image used

Home life, family, property, your origins and domestic environment is touched by the solar eclipse, signalling a new beginning for your surroundings, your approach to parenting, a parent or where you’re from. Key people may impact the way you set down roots, nurture yourself and others, or broach your lineage. Pay attention to a partner or individuals that bring extra awareness to household matters, the past, how you grew up, and familiar spaces.


January 21 –  February 19

There’s an invitation to cultivate language or communication skills, so that the way you deliver a message is now an important consideration. Look to interactions with people you happen to find yourself among, particularly at work or as you go about your daily errands. Clarity around your mindset, opinions, information and delivery could be a strong suit moving forwards, with health, your own upkeep and routines now key.


February 20 – March 20 

Your personal contribution is touched by the solar eclipse, so that your assets, income and unpaid roles you work in are greatly significant! Sense a fresh start around your financial position and compensation, having explored your career and money issues. Children, pregnancy or family matters, a creative project, your love life or your personal talents may inform what you want to amass, earn or build, so expect enthusiasm and passion to be heightened as you address your value!

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