New twist in Trump assassination plot as it’s revealed Iran targeted multiple politicians for revenge on Qasem Soleimani’s death

Iran-backed entities plotted to target and potentially assassinate American politicians, newly revealed FBI documents uncovered.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) discovered that these plotters discussed targeting Donald Trump, President Joe Biden and former presidential candidate Nikki Haley as well as other American ‘politicians, military people or bureaucrats.’

The plans were an attempt to retaliate against the U.S. for Iranian military officer Qasem Soleimani’s death.

The latest revelations come amid an investigation into the attempted assassination of Trump in July, which some Republicans have claimed could be linked to foreign entities like Iran or Pakistan.

Some claim that the gunman who shot Donald Trump in Pennsylvania on July 13 was not acting along and have pointed to the alleged assassination plots by Iran

‘Bad actors are determined to wreak havoc on our country, and American political leaders across both parties are sitting squarely in the crosshairs,’ Grassley wrote in a statement on the unclassified FBI records he obtained.

‘In this extraordinarily heightened threat environment, federal agencies ought to be laser focused on building up public trust and reassuring the American people of their efforts to carry out their protective missions,’ the Iowa Senator said.

‘I won’t stop pressing for answers until Congress and the American people are afforded the transparency they deserve.’

Thomas Matthew Crooks was the gunman that shot at Donald Trump at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13.

While he grazed the former president’s ear, his plot to kill Trump was unsuccessful. But he did kill one and injure two other rally goers that day before he was shot and killed by Trump’s security detail.

Some claim that the 20-year-old was part of a bigger plot despite law enforcement claiming shortly after the attack that he acted alone.

The latest revelations came from an FBI proffer agreement with Asif Merchant, a Pakistani native with Iranian ties, that was released by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on Thursday

The latest revelations came from an FBI proffer agreement with Asif Merchant, a Pakistani native with Iranian ties, that was released by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on Thursday

The plot is an apparent effort of retaliation for Iranian military officer Qasem Soleimani's death

The plot is an apparent effort of retaliation for Iranian military officer Qasem Soleimani’s death

Rep. Mike Waltz, who is on the House task force investigating the attack, told that he isn’t convinced Crooks was a lone wolf.

The latest revelations of an Iranian-backed plot on Trump and other U.S. politicians’ lives is bolstering the doubt over claims Crooks did not have foreign ties.

Asif Merchant, a Pakistani native with Iranian ties, provided the latest evidence of the scheme in FBI proffer agreement, which has not been released by Grassley.

The Justice Department has charged Merchant for his involvement in the revenge plot.

Just four months before the attempt on Trump’s life this summer, the FBI posted a notice requesting information on an alleged Iranian spy the agency believed to be involved in assassination plots.

Majid Farahani, 42,wass accused by the FBI of plotting revenge killings after Soleimani was killed in a Trump administration-led attack on January 3, 2020.

The FBI released a notice in March for an alleged Iranian spy they say is behind the plot to assassinate current and former government officials in retribution for the death of Soleimani

The FBI released a notice in March for an alleged Iranian spy they say is behind the plot to assassinate current and former government officials in retribution for the death of Soleimani

Ever since the attack that took out the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commander, Iran has vowed revenge.

The FBI claims Farahani was acting in a plot on Trump’s life on behalf of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence.

Due to worries about a plato, Secret Service detail around Trump was actually ramped up before the Butler rally – but the heightened security did not prevent the shooter from his attempt on the former president’s life.

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