
Which series on Netflix is most popular

Netflix is one of the most popular streaming services provided in the internet world. You can enjoy thousands of movies and seasons just by paying a monthly subscription fee. The most interesting thing about Netflix is that it provides customized suggestions based on your previous watch history. In most cases, the suggestions are very good and you will have a great time.

Seasons in Netflix

One of the key reasons for which Netflix has so many customers is its unique seasons. They are constantly working hard to bring new seasons. They have their own production house which creates stunning seasons.

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the most popular Netflix seasons which you can watch right now. Let’s get into the details.


Who doesn’t enjoy a classic myth? Merlin is a very unique season on Netflix that will amaze you in every episode. The moment you will start watching Merlin is the very moment you will learn many new things about the magical world. Though this season is based on a fictional story yet many people love to believe that such a storyline existed in our history.

The making of this season is also extraordinary. The way the director presented each character in the season will make you think twice about their life. Most importantly, you will get into the story very quickly and feel the urge to keep on watching this season all day long.

What to expect

In the Merlin season, you will see that how the king banned the practice of magic in his kingdom. The hero of this season is named Merlin and he is the servant of the prince. He secretly practices magic and saves the king and the kingdom countless times. Though Merlin is the prime character of this movie you will find other supporting characters playing a very important role in making this season a successful one. For instance, actions from Morgana will twist your mind throughout the seasons.

The best thing about this season is that there are no age restrictions. Anyone who will watch the first episode will go for the full season. However, some of you might not get access to this season due to geographical barriers. First, you should check your IP, and then check if the series is available in your country. If not, you can unblock streaming on Netflix by downloading VPN. However, you need to choose a reliable VPN service provider or else you will face buffering issues. The best thing about using the VPN is that you also enjoy encrypted data connections no matter which browser you use.

Lost in space

Nowadays, seasons related to sci-fi have owned the hearts of the youngster. If you love to watch sci-fi seasons, lost in space might be a great option. This season tells us how the young generation fights to survive in space. Once you start watching this season, you will surely understand how the future might look like. Though Lost in space has just two seasons, it is well appreciated by millions of viewers.


Those who love to watch movies that describe the end of this world must watch the season of salvation. In this season, you will see how a tech billionaire intends to save billions of lives in this world. The story is processed in a very strategic way and every episode is well connected. So, if you are looking for a regular watch, this might be a great season to start with.


We all know that Friends is one of the most popular seasons on Netflix. People who don’t have Netflix have watched friends by using other mediums. No matter how old you are, you are going to enjoy this comedy season. You can watch this season countless times and you will never regret it. You need to be aware that this season is also one of the oldest seasons available on Netflix.


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