
Employee Safety: Here’s What All CEOs Can Do to Help

A CEO has many duties. Although it is a busy job role, it is important that all CEOs are doing their bit to look after their employees. They should ensure that the workplace has the correct safety procedures in place, and this can be done in several different ways.

Today, we will be discussing how all CEOs can ensure their workplaces are a safe environment for their employees. From training programmes to workwear, we cover it all.

Put Up Labels and Signs

If you are looking for a cheap but effective way to implement safety in the workplace then labels and signs could be the ideal solution. Not only are they great at communicating important information, but they are also good reminders/warnings for employees. Labels and signs are great because they are often simple to understand. They rely on pictures to detail hazards and proper procedures.

The type of signs and labels you’ll need will typically depend on the nature of your workplace. It is advised that you research different safetysigns to find the ones that are most appropriate for your workplace. You may think signs and labels are simple, but they can certainly do their bit to prevent injury in the workplace.

Prioritise Cleanliness

Cleanliness should be a priority in any workplace. As a CEO it is important that you either employ cleaners or provide your team with the correct equipment to keep their workplace clean and tidy. A messy workplace can increase the risk of injury, particularly slips, trips and falls. So, you should ensure that there is plenty of cleaning equipment available. It is important that your employees are aware of how they can use this equipment safely and also store it correctly.

Typically, you will need cleaning products, brushes, mops, cloths and gloves, to name a few. If you have a kitchen facility, then you should ensure that employees clean up after themselves. You may be surprised at just how many injuries can occur from a spillage left on the floor.

Hold Regular Safety Meetings

Having safety procedures in place is all well and good but it is important that you regularly remind your staff about what they are. It is advised that you hold regular meetings with your staff. In these meetings you should review safety rules and also discuss prevention. The main aim of these meetings is to help keep workplace safety at the forefront of your employees’ minds. As a CEO, you can then seek comfort knowing that your team are aware of what they can do in the event of an accident/emergency.

It can be a good idea to create a health and safety committee amongst your current employees. It can be their duty to create and hold these meetings whilst also ensuring that the team are implementing the correct safety procedures around the workplace. You can findoutmore about what a health and safety committee do from some online research.

Provide Employees with the Correct Workwear

Regardless of what sector your business falls under, it is important that you provide employees with the correct workwear, or you set clear guidelines in place for a uniform policy. Depending on which sector your business falls under, incorrect workwear could lead to serious injury. For example, construction is one of the most dangerous sectors to work in. Without the correct safety wear, you could be putting your employees in serious danger.

So, it is vital that you firstly understand what safety workwear they need and then do your bit to provide it. For example, in construction you would need safety gloves, hi-vis jackets, functional trousers and safety boots. If you are unsure where to look for items like these check outSafetyBootsUK. They have a large catalogue of different safety shoes to suit a range of different sectors.

Ensure Employees Are Trained Correctly

An essential part of ensuring workplace safety is comprehensive training. If your employees fail to receive the correct training this could be putting themselves and those around them at risk. As a CEO, it is your duty to provide a comprehensive training programme for your staff. However, creating one is not always a walk in the park and it takes a lot of time to get it right. Luckily, if you are new to creating a training programme you can learnmoreabout them through some online research. There are plenty of helpful blogs and articles out there which can help you build a successful programme.

Once you have created your programme, it is important that you have a system in place which lets you know which employees have completed it and when. This will help you to stay on top of your programme and it identifies those who have not yet completed it.

Give Employees the Correct Tools and Have Regular Inspections

To ensure your employees are working safely it is important that you are providing them with the correct tools to do their job. If the nature of your work includes heavy machinery, then it is crucial that the equipment has the right safety fixtures fitted to it. It is also important that your employees understand how to use the machinery to help prevent the risk of injury in the future. To help stay on top of this, it is important that regular inspections take place.

Inspections are important when it comes to machinery because it allows your team to look for any potential dangers or broken pieces of machinery which could result in a serious injury. Machine malfunctions continue to be one of the most dangerous workplace hazards. So, it is crucial that you put these inspections in place to ensure that the machinery you provide is safe. All employees who use heavy machinery, should also be provided with the correct training as previously discussed.

Lead By Example

If you want your employees to follow a long list of safety procedures, then it is highly important that you lead by example. If your employees see you not wearing the correct safety gear or leaving a spillage on the floor, then this will encourage them to think that this behaviour is ok. Instead, you should be following every single safety protocol by the book. You want to set a good example to your employees and encourage them to do the same. Naturally, if the CEO is following the rules, then all other employees should be too. Don’t be afraid to quiz your employees now and again about safety procedures to ensure that they are staying in the forefront of their minds.

Reward Employees

An important part of workplace safety is encouragement. If you want your staff to implement your safety procedures around the workplace then it can be a good idea to reward employees for their safe behaviour. Not only does it keep them engaged but it also acts as a great motivator to their peers as it encourages them to do the same. Rewards can come in all different shapes and sizes. You can go all out with a grand gesture, or you can keep it simple with a box of chocolates. There are some incredible employeeappreciationideas out there. It can help to conduct some research of your own to find what works best for your business.


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